Explore, Discover, Grow
This is “the tale of a bereaved & pursued musician embarking under sail on a sentient Lake Superior in search of his departed, deeply beloved, bookselling wife. Rainy, an endearing bear of an Orphean narrator, seeks refuge in the harbors, fogs & remote islands of the inland sea...Amidst the Gulliver-like challenges of life at sea […]
Welcome to Wednesday. Let's wind down & check-in. Everyone's journey looks different day to day & week to week. So, let's take a mindful moment in the middle of it all to connect with intention. We'll practice light mediation, journaling, & gentle stretching to help us relax, reset, & reconnect. Wear comfortable clothes for gentle […]
You're never too old for sand art...especially if it is made of rainbows. Create a lucky little piece of home décor by layering many colors of sand before planting a little bit o' clover. Ages 18+ only; event is free. This program is offered on two different dates; register for the date & time that […]
Step away from the world & check in with yourself. Pause to reflect, consider a fresh start, & take the opportunity to tap into the power of your mind! Practicing mindfulness can help you reap the benefits of the moment, helping you remain present no matter what the week ahead brings your way. Join Jessica […]